Monday, March 16, 2009

Daily News Journal

Be sure to check out the Daily News Journal. They are printing a letter I wrote about the budget cuts that will run in Tuesday's paper I believe. I will post a link when one is available.


  1. Right on. The absurdity of axing Philosophy as a major at MTSU must be known, publicized, criticized, and ostracized. I wrote a letter to multiple editor's of local publications, it will be featured in the DNJ's website/paper today (Wed 3/18) as well as on The Nashville Scene's website. It is a defense of Philosophy as a discipline, so to speak. I hope that the concern and involvement of the community will make some sort of a difference...

  2. I'm glad someone else is passionate about this as well. I will have to steal your idea of contacting the Nashville Scene. Hopefully, we can make a difference!
